"Life's a bitch, deal with it." "I'm a firm believer in: 'To each their own'." "Help those in need, or no one else will."

Tony @shadefalcon

Age 34, Male


Joined on 4/23/06

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14,422 / 15,200
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7.78 votes
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shadefalcon's News

Posted by shadefalcon - November 10th, 2010

Posted by shadefalcon - October 29th, 2010

Okay, episode 5 p2 is coming soon, start paying attention in early November. The part 3 and final part of the episode will be coming probably a month or two later.

Now, I'll be honest... I'm getting a little tired of DoD... and NO that does not mean I'm giving up the series, because I'm not the type to quit anything I start, plus I know myself, if I left it un-finished, it would always bother me. SO, I have written up the plot synopses for every episode I have planned, which has come out to 13 episodes in total, and some may be a few parts, like eps. 13 especially being the final one. What I'm saying is that I just want more time for the art that is 100% mine. As DoD is only half mine since it involves mario and sonic characters. Plus I'm sure some of my fans are only interested in my work because it is sega and nintendo, but hey that's fine, because I'm not saying that all of you are like this, just some, but I digress. So, I will be working on a little more of my own art as well, and yes I'll finish DoD, but I need more time for my own art in addition, especially since I just finished my first year of college, so I'm getting time off for a few months. Okay, I'm starting to ramble... guess that's all, so, catch ya later.

Episode coming soon, and some news.

Posted by shadefalcon - October 17th, 2010

Like I said, it's going to be part 2 submittted, and then technically part three, but some people were wondering if I would just submit part 2 when it's done, and then wait a lil bit for me to finish the part 3 submission. Now I have no problem with doing this if it's what you guys want, but then you may have to wait a few weeks to a month for the rest of the episode, the part 3, to be submitted which shows who will die.

SO, if you want part 2 submitted when it's done, and can wait for the part 3 for like a month for me to finish it to find out who dies, then please in your comment, tell me what you'd rather, and I'm posting this on all my sites so the majority vote rules. That is all.

Again, here's the preview links:

http://shadefalcon.deviantart.com/gall ery/#/d2u32bn

http://shadefalcon.deviantart.com/gall ery/#/d2y715t

http://shadefalcon.deviantart.com/gall ery/#/d305ieo

Posted by shadefalcon - October 3rd, 2010

Ok, the current episode of DoD, episode 5 part 2, is 65% complete. I expect to have it fully completed by sometime this month, October, or possibly sometime next month, Novemeber. However, once it is completly finished, I have decided for numerous reasons, including it being a massive file size even with compression that I will release the original eps. 5 part 2 as a technical two parter in itself.

Meaning that once the episode is done, I will submit it as two seperate submissions, meaning episode 5 p2, and a eps. 5 p3, BUT, I do NOT, by NO means, intend to make you wait for the part 3 of the episode. Once the episode is fully complete I'll split it up into the part three of eps. 5, submit eps. 5 part 2 which leaves you with a cliffhanger of who will die, and the eps. 5 p3, being the rest of the original eps. 5 p2, will be submitted EXACTLY one week later from the first submission, simply so everyone will review on each submission individually since some people might not want to vote/review on both submissions if they are submitted on the same day. Also, expect another preview coming sometime this week that will finally answer a shit load of the questions you've all had about the series plot and characters for a VERY long time. Well, that's all, thanks again guys for your patients, and still interest, means a lot to me.

Also, here's the links to the three previews I've posted so far, so if you all want to re-watch them and maybe lost the links here they are:

http://shadefalcon.deviantart.com/gall ery/#/d2u32bn

http://shadefalcon.deviantart.com/gall ery/#/d2y715t

http://shadefalcon.deviantart.com/gall ery/#/d305ieo

Posted by shadefalcon - September 15th, 2010


I've recently learned of Lady-GaGa's new outfit at the MTV awards. Now I always thought she was a mindless hack feeding the moronic masses, but I never imagined that she could be as immoral as to wear an animal's carcass like this? This is worse than a fur coat. Now I'm not damning anyone for eating meat I say to each their own, and some people just need the high animal protein for their health... but this is just like the animal died in complete vein... And to think this bitch has over 6 million followers on Twitter? This is why I say that only 10% of this wretched planet's people are good and decent.

http://img.metro.co.uk/i/pix/2010/09/1 4/article-1284451620202-0B290BE4000005 DC-394102_466x712.jpg

Posted by shadefalcon - September 7th, 2010

DoD-5-P2-Preview-2-178367393?q=sort%3A time+gallery%3Ashadefalcon&qo=0

Also, here's my previous post, I needed to show ya guys the preview but don't forget about my previous post listed here:

http://shadefalcon.newgrounds.com/news /post/515280

God Bless

Posted by shadefalcon - September 6th, 2010

Ok so recently a friend of mine, and long time DoD fan, wanted to interview me on some basic behind the scenes shit on DoD, but I can't help but wonder if we left out some possible questions from the fans, so, anyone of you that wants to ask something that is unanswered in DoD, by all means, leave your questions here, we'll add them into the questionare, and then I'll let you know when my friend/fan posts it. It'll only be audio though.

Here's the list he made:

1. Where did you get the idea for Dawning of Darkness?
2. What exactly happened when Bowser's Fire collided with Kama's Wand?
3. What inspired each characters new Super form?
4. Did you know that Tail and Knuckles actually had their own original Super Forms before you gave them new ones? Ones that could be accessed through the power of the Super Emeralds only?
5. The Seven Chaos Beasts are all different, yet all related. Does that mean they have to get along with each other?
|6. Does Chaos ever remember his role in the prophecy? Or does he end up dieing a painful death before he figures it out?
7. According to what your intro and what you said, each Chaos Beast is linked to Chaos Emerald, which Beast is linked to which Emerald?
8. Is revenge Shadows only reason for wanting to wanting to destroy all humans or is their another reason?
9. What are the powers of each of the Chaos Beasts?
10. How are the characters able to summon their weapons?
11. The clones were each created from Sonic, Knuckles and Tails. How come Shadow didn't chose to make a clone of Amy or himself?
12. Will Luigi ever come back to his senses or will he die a painful death?
13. What reason would Shadow and Sonic have to work together and Fuse into Shadic?
14. How do Shadow and Bowser fuse?
15. Do the Clones ever battle against their originals?
16. Will the clones get their own individual episodes or will the three of them get one episode where they do their own stuff?
17. Where did the idea for the clones come from?
18. What kind of powers does the Shadow Dragon from the intro?
19. Who exactly s the Guardian of the Apocalypse?
20. Do you have any real Twists that you don't mind sharing with everyone?
21. For your back round music, do you try and stay away from standard Sonic and Mario Music or do you try and use it as much as possible?
22. What would happen if all the clones were to combine into one super clone?
23. How many Episodes do you plan on making?
24. How do you plan the final Battle between Shadow and Sonic to go?

God Bless

Posted by shadefalcon - October 10th, 2009


This post sums up what I needed, and thank you for clearing that up for both of us to our fans.

Enjoy both Dawning of Darkness and Super Mario Bros Z.

God Bless


Posted by shadefalcon - October 9th, 2009

In Alvin-Earthworms new episode of Super Mario Bros. Z, I've noticed a few things he did that are simliar to my series Dawning of Darkness (DoD) seeing as how we both used the Sonic/Mario cross over.

He had Sonic obtain the mario item, fire flower, just like i did in my last episode.

His new character Basiliax (sorry if i mispelled it) is an experiment do to the needle formula he must've recieved and that is similiar to my clones of tails, knuckles, and sonic, in my series since we both called them experiments.

And finally this new koopa character can turn people to stone, just like Shadow can who turned Dr. Eggman to stone in my Mario/Sonic cross over series which, has been on Newgrounds since my episode two, posted on: 05/30/2007.

So I must say thank you for emulating me in three very simliar ways Alvin-Earthworm.

After all, we all know... Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

God Bless and Good Luck

Shade ;)