Animation is flawless, however...
It really is nothing but mindless violence. No plot here. That's all I have to say.
Animation is flawless, however...
It really is nothing but mindless violence. No plot here. That's all I have to say.
Mother of god...
The detail in this animation is truly a master piece. Especially on the smoke, clouds, and explosions. Excellent work here, just wow.
Excellent series...
Batman the Animated Series, the best Batman series out there, and the one that even gave us many of our now current villains that weren't around in the original corny adam west version. Nice touch with the whole thing, my only suggestion is next time try to use a little less gradients, and more shading.
Was fantastic, the effects, dialouge, graphics, and you even followed the proper mythology of zombies, excellent work dude, this deserved a daily feature =).
Thanks. :) I was SO close to getting one too...
I'm not really sure what the proper mythology of zombies is. I just kinda went with what I thought was right. If you know better, please PM me. I find it interesting.
Fucking bravo...
Seriously great dude, hate this series so much. The amount of shit they piled onto the vampire and werewolf legends will take years for it to be cleaned up.
All I can say is this....
Mother Fucking Awesome
The Banjo-Kazooie reference for scene change, love it, it's probably my fave game series. The pokemon jokes, lol, the concept of the Chaos, it's really great, and I love the insults to DBZ jokes and the originality comment with the emeralds and the age we don't live in... I agree 100% and laughed hard. Also as for the apology to me at the end, it's cool dude, lol, I'm flattered that you chose to end the episode in the same style as me. Can't wait for the next one dude, keep it up. =)
Originally the episode was gonna end with "fade to black, To Be Continued". I thought it seemed too abrupt though. This way looked much better to me.
And thanks alot, I'm glad you liked it :D
I have to say I enjoyed it...
Can't complain about any of the animations, thought it was very fluent and well done. My only suggestion is next time make sure the audio is all equal. Some parts were considerably louder than others, but other than that keep up the good work guys.
Really? I didn't really notice. I use headphones too. Anyways, thanks for the review, Shade!
Heh heh
Nicely done, concept of the chaos, south park style personas to them, music choices, and making fun of the over 9,000 thing... superb work bro, that joke so god damn horrible... Looking forward to the next one.
Thanks for that!
Expect Part 2 within a few weeks. It's almost done :O.
"Life's a bitch, deal with it." "I'm a firm believer in: 'To each their own'." "Help those in need, or no one else will."
Age 33, Male
Joined on 4/23/06