Redonic - 14 vote(s)
Zails - 24 vote(s)
or Krunckles - 4 vote(s)
After adding up the total votes from NG, and DA for the clone vote. It would appear that Zails has won.
So here is what I'm going to do. Zails will be the character in Retrograde, his "paint job" shall be Redonic's since he is 2nd place, and Krunckles clearly is the lowest so he'll be Zails's ability with the spell casting book, manipulating water/ice, of any kind, internal or external. And one other thing too, seeing as how some people suggested this to me, and I was thinking it to begin with, I'll be making Zails a female. So like a vixen witch. Okay, then I guess that's pretty much it, so thanks for all your help guys, stay connected for more updates on my work.
Well look here. There's another flash artist that skipped my eye =)
You're actually quite good !
Tell me if you need an extra voice actor =D
Cheers ;)
Why thank you, and I'll keep you in mind then. I'll be needing VA's once I get the first issue of my animated graphic novel up.