I've found a way to incorporate any elements/characters into Retrograde from DoD, but there is one question left to beg. The clones.
I could include just 1 more character, into Retrograde and that would make 33 characters, but I need to know first, would any of you like to see a reincarnation of one of the clones from DoD in Retrograde, and if so, which one? Bare in mind whatever one you choose will have the same personality, with some "elements" or characteristics of the other two intertwined for the complete package. If you'd like to see this, vote, post, and leave your thoughts.
(Please note that this was also posted on DA, and once I reach a point where there is no one left to vote on this matter, I'll add up the total from all my sites and see who is the victor.)
Redonic - 3 vote(s)
Zails - 5 vote(s)
or Krunckles - vote(s)
I say Zails. He was Very intresting, tho Krunckles.. if i seen more of him i would have said him for the simple fact his water/ice element has alot suits his nature. but I have to say Zails.