It's been an eventful few months now. I'm getting better with my art, got a few commissions here and there and I'm currently posting one I did for a cousin's friend of Electabuzz. You'll be seeing a lot more artwork coming to my NG gallery here soon both of commissions when people are generous enough to patronize me lol (business term) and of the characters in my upcoming original work Retrograde, my horror film Pay Your Respects, and eventually my music as those of you who watch me on deviantart are aware of. Those of you who don't might want to do so to keep up to date. I'll also plan to sell my music as many people have said they like my lyrics alone and would by it. And I can sing ok I'd say, and in today's day and age you can be freaking tone deaf and still be liked as a band so here goes, lol. Well, that's all guys so, post your comments if ya have any questions, oh one more thing. I'm done with sprites for long term projects, but not done forever. I'm still spriting for fun to stay in practice for commissions, I want to make one sprite sheet of Shade so he could be available to be used in flashes, games, etc, and I'm open for sprite animation collabs and maybe even and occasional fight vid if I feel like it.
Well that's all. =)
Well things seem to be going pretty well for you. Can't wait for Retrograde!